Chrome’s mobile device emulator

Using Google Chrome’s mobile device emulator

Running Time: 00m 55s


This video shows you how to use Chrome’s mobile device emulator to review how your website will look across a range of devices.

NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen

About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


Google Chrome’s mobile device emulator is a great resource for reviewing how your website will look across a range of devices.  In live preview simply hit the F12 button at the top of your keypad.  This will then open the code inspector.  In the top left corner is an icon that looks like this Image  called the Toggle Device Toolbar. Click the icon to see how your website  responds at various screen widths. There is also the option to emulate various common devices such as the iPhone or Galaxy and see how your website looks on them.

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