Embed A Soundcloud

Embed A Soundcloud

Running Time: 01m 25s


This video demonstrates how to add a Soundcloud widget to your website.

NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


The process for adding a Soundcloud widget is straight forward but does require grabbing a snippet of code from the Soundcloud website.  To do this navigate to your Soundcloud in another browser tab and click the share button underneath the timeline of the song you want to embed.  A dialogue box appears with a tab option to "embed".  Click this tab and adjust the parameters as you desire before copying the iframe code.


Return to sketchanet and click into the cell where you would like to place the Soundcloud plugin.  Hit the "Insert Media" button in the menu, then click on the Soundcloud button Imagein the dialogue box that appears.  When the "add widget" box opens, paste the iframe code into the section on the right called "button code".  Adjust the size of the plugin using the size tab as desired then hit insert.